Volunteer with us and make a difference.

    Are there any roles that you would prefer as part of your volunteer work with Heritage Colchester? Please indicate your preferences in the list below.
    Everyone will have an opportunity to work within their abilities and preferences but may be asked to offer support toward other restoration and ongoing work to be undertaken by Heritage Colchester.
    If you would prefer to work with something that is not listed below, please make a note of that item or items at the end of the list.

    Artistic/Musical/Talent related skills
    Bookkeeping, Accounting, or other Financial
    Building and Construction skills
    Food Service/Catering/Serving at public events
    Fund Raising
    Guide/Presenter at Educational/Cultural/Interpretive Programs
    Manning of Displays at Public Events/Soliciting Memberships and Donations
    Public Speaking/Presentations to Groups
    Secretarial/Writing Proposals/Grant Applications/and other items